Cypherace — a web-based debugging tool & bug fixing engine

Cypherace — a web-based debugging tool & bug fixing engine


According to this anonymous source: “Only half of programming is coding. The other 90% is debugging”. Behind this quote hides a very sad reality that all programmers whether they are beginners or senior faced every single day while coding. In order to reduce that 90% of the time spent by programmers to debug to at least 40%, I developed a web-based debugging tool & bug fixing engine called cypherace.



For instance, while trying to compile your java code, you are getting such warning “NullPointerException” and you do not know how to fix it. You can google it directly.

However, with cypherace, instead of going through a long list of suggestions, we go directly to the point by giving you the correct answer. No need to always go through long lines of hectic discussions on popular coding forums.


The tool is available to everyone, visit:

This is a link to the demo.

Share it with your colleagues and friends! Happy coding!